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Email Obfuscator
Category: tools
Email Link Obfuscator creates a JavaScript code that hides your email address from annoying spambot. Once you create the code you can safely publish your email address on your ...
Blockchain for dummies!
Category: Blockchain
This article is one of several articles in which I explain in a very simple way what a blockchain is. What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain? Blockchain is the technology behind ...
Where is the blockchain revolution?
Category: Blockchain
A friend of mine asked me: bitcoin was invented 10 years ago, why has not anyone come up with a real product yet? Has anything been disrupted by blockchain? His disappointment is quite ...
Create your Blockchain DApp with Ethereum and VueJS - Tutorial Part 1
Category: Blockchain
In this first part of the tutorial we are going to create the smart contract that handles the registration of users; then we are going to deploy the smart contract to the blockchain using ...
How to Test Smart Contracts - Tutorial
Category: Blockchain
Testing a smart contract is a must of the blockchain development process. Remember that the blockchain does not forgive you any errors because of its immutability! The only way to fix a bug ...
Fluent API PHP Class
Category: PHP
What is the fluent api? How to apply this design pattern in PHP? How to call a method both statically and not? Let's discover it!