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Coming soon page
Category: resources
If you need a coming soon page, don't waste your time on developing it because you are going to use it for a short period. This coming soon page has a minimal design and it's made with PHP, HTML and ...
Blockchain for dummies!
Category: Blockchain
This article is one of several articles in which I explain in a very simple way what a blockchain is. What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain? Blockchain is the technology behind ...
Where is the blockchain revolution?
Category: Blockchain
A friend of mine asked me: bitcoin was invented 10 years ago, why has not anyone come up with a real product yet? Has anything been disrupted by blockchain? His disappointment is quite ...
WP Social Importer
Category: tools
WP Social Importer is a wordpress plugin that imports news from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter into your website. This plugin transforms automatically the news from your social networks into wordpress ...
Fluent API PHP Class
Category: PHP
What is the fluent api? How to apply this design pattern in PHP? How to call a method both statically and not? Let's discover it!
LAMP Docker Environment
Category: PHP
This Docker LAMP environment is an excellent choice for local development, as it provides the necessary tools and configurations for PHP and frontend development. With the ability to set up multiple ...